Sunday, August 1, 2010

Schbert's Ave Maria Revisited

The first European Classical piece I learned, was Schubert's Ave Maria,taught to me by my Great Aunt Josephine when I was 10 yrs old.
It became a moment of reward sometime later on the Ted Mack Amateur Hour,where I won
first place on National TV singing this piece, and went on to perform it in front of
15,000 people at the Boston Gardens as part of the prize. " A small boy's perfect soprano; The hubbub and the din subsided as the clear notes sounded through the vast auditorium of the Garden"
Yesterday I was privileged to witness this kind of magic from a different prospective. The place, St Augustine's cathedral like chapel in Brooklyn; The event,
a Roman Catholic wedding; The soloist, My Wife, Etta Russell Scott.
Hired by the Bride & Groom who had experienced the beauty of her pure & delicate Soprano Voice earlier this year. Along with "Ave Maria" she also rendered "Panis Angelicus" by cesar Franck.
I don't know what my voice gave in those early days to generate such response; But I
do know, that Etta brought that same gentle peace and purity, needed to help define this very special moment. Brava!!!!!